Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Welcome to "We Can't Afford It"! I chose this name because of the all-too-common notion that A. a family can't make it unless the wife leaves home to work and B. most people can't afford more than two children.

When I quit my job as a school teacher, pregnant with our third child, "we couldn't afford it"...they were right.

But our journey has been one of incredible humility as we have watched God provide in ways we never imagined, as well as having learned life lessons I wouldn't trade for all the riches in the world.

This blog is to encourage you--wherever you are. If you have a financial journey story to share, I would love to post it with a link back to your site. Just email me at akcrawford5@hotmail.com

Many blessings!


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for starting this blog. You are addressing a topic that I usually am afraid to talk to others about. Both my husband and I worked for about 4 years before we were blessed with our first baby, so we were fairly financially stable when I left work to stay home. This is why they won't listen to me... because I don't know what it's like to take that first step of faith in quitting your job, not knowing what it will be like from month to month. Bravo to you for saying what others often will not - that there IS a way to stay home and raise your children.

Word Warrior said...

Mrs. r,

Thank you! I thought it would prove a great encouragement--sometimes that's all we need! (And believe me, we've "been there, done that") ;-)